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Steam Trains and Lockdowns

One of the many things that 2020 did to me, was to interrupt a bunch of wonderful activites I used to do for myself regularly. I have been slowly, in jerky, awkward and rough attempts, trying to get back into several routines with my favourite things. One of these things is doing regular blog posts. The most fun I’ve had on my blog was either 2016 or 2017 when I was getting about doing a blog post every week, capturing the beauty of the world through photography and stretching my skills by using myself as a subject. I have missed it a lot and it’s taken a few attempts to try and get the momentum and flow of regular posts going again. Here is a start!

The steam train comes to town at least once per year. I was saving this blog post for when it came down for Heritage Festival but then Victoria’s Lockdown 4.0 happened that week. Each lockdown, even lockdowns 3 and 4 which were only short, seem to reset any momentum I get on all the things I like to do. My soul seems to leak energy and I find myself staring at walls and just existing in a weird holding pattern. It’s quite amazing how much lockdowns can take it out of you. 

Here’s to not giving up though, showing up when you can, even if that’s not what you hoped it would look like, and giving the little you have.

I styled and planned this outfit for the 2020 Heritage Weekend, which as we all know was cancelled. It was nice to finally get it out of my brain and into the world. It was inspired by the creative styles of Samantha Macmillan, my favourite celebrity stylist.

Shoes: Modcloth

Skirt and top: Zara

Hat: Allport Millinery

Photo Assistant: Deneale of Goldfields Girl

Location: Ballafornia Train Station

And it’s now a tradition. Can’t have a steam train photo without this guy!

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