Home ยป Sunset in the Sunflowers

Sunset in the Sunflowers

When I went to create this post, I thought to myself that as I hadn’t been very active on my blog over the last year, it would be going live only a few posts after my last blog post about the sunflowers. It turns out that I never ended up sharing the sunflower post last time. I shared a pic from Josh Davis on my Instagram and Facebook and that was all! If I can find the motivation in this current hellscape, I might go back and add it to the blog at some point.

On the weekend my sister and I went to the last summer picking session for the sunflowers. A little birdie told us that there might be more, so keep an eye out if you are interested by following them on their social media accounts. Pick Your Own Sunflowers is located just outside of my hometown of Ballarat (affectionately called Ballafornia by the local Ballafornians).

This year I wanted to reimagine the cover of the 1913 Harper’s Bazaar magazine that I’ve included above. 

Tips for visiting the sunflowers.

1. Bring your own secateurs. If you do forget, this year they were selling them for $5 at the gate.

2. Wear sensible shoes. I know I’m wearing heels in this picture, but I carried them in just for the shot.

3. Take a picnic and enjoy the day!

3. Sunflowers are quite scratchy so if you get irritated skin from hayfever an antihistamine will help.

4. Pictures will look lovely any time of day but if you want golden hour pictures, look out for a twilight session.

5. Dress to make your photos look stunning by wearing sky blue, white, yellow, or beige. These are all colours that you will see in the sunflower landscape. Green will make you disappear.

6. No cash? No worries! This year the team had an EFTPOS machine.

– L

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