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Pride and Prejudice

If you follow me online you’ll probably know already that I’m in a local production of Pride and Prejudice. I auditioned for this show at the end of last year and so much work has gone into making it happen. Almost every item of clothing had to be made. The set was complicated to construct. Lines had to be learned. Lighted had to be mapped. Props had to be sourced. At the centre of it all is a clever adaption of a detailed story into a short production appropriate for the stage. Even with so much of it taken out, it’s still wordy and there were many lines to be learned.

It’s the first show for me since I’ve started at acting school and while at first I was frustrated and struggled with the workload I can tell you now that it was the greatest decision for my acting study. Each time I met a roadblock, instead of getting frustrated that I didn’t know how to do a thing, I had tools from my classes to overcome it. For example, being cast as Jane Bennet was a delight, but it’s the first time I’ve had to play a soft character. I speak with a low chest voice naturally and the director wanted me to speak higher, lighter and softer. How does someone who speaks soft and light have their voice heard by the people sitting at the back of a 120 seat theatre with no microphones? How do I deliver my lines out to an audience when I’m having a conversation with someone in front of me on a stage? How do I warm up properly? What does being warm even feel like? These are all things I’ve found answers to and I’ve been absolutely delighted with the opportunity to do the work.

This is also the closest, most amicable, most delightful cast I have ever worked with, which is impressive when I’ve had some really magical ensembles to be on stage with. I’ve never felt a bond so close, so genuinely interested in lifting one another up, in making sure the show goes on at a high standard. To celebrate this exquisite bond, I left my camera backstage on one of our tech runs with easy to use settings and handed over the reigns of my camera to the entire cast and crew. I then buffered any issues in post-production, and here we have for you some shots from the very kind and happy backstage, wings and stage from our show.

If you would like to see Pride and Prejudice, it is on in Ballarat until October 6.

Wed 3 Oct 8pm

Thur 4 Oct 8pm

Fri 5 Oct 8pm

Sat 6 Oct 2pm

Sat 6 Oct 8pm

Tickets here.

A full collection of all our production photos are available here.

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