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Wattle and Velvet

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

The words on today’s post will be shorter than usual because I’ve been super busy. My usual photographers have been out of action for a wide range of reasons so actually taking these pics was hard enough on their own. I ended up going wattle picking with my buddy Liv from Lyn and I. Spring has seen a burst in cherry blossoms and wattle all through the city.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

When we showed up at this spot there were some alpacas in the field beside the tree. Then after a little while, we hear this moo come from that direction. We looked up to see a rather intimidating cow. Liv was, need I say, rather enthused [heavy sarcasm] when I mooed back in order to assert my dominance.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

This is me laughing at Liv as the terrifying cow looks over at her with a growing sense of retribution.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Meanwhile, once I (the alpha cow), turned my back on the horned usurper, he advanced. So when we turned back around the bush, he was closer. Like some sort of deadly game of What’s The Time Mister Wolf. Except with cows.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Top: old Modcloth.

Cardi: Miss Behavin.

Skirt: Piper – Myer

Pics: Liv from Lyn and I

Location: backroad in Ballarat.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

To Liv’s delight, I then sang the cow the song of my warrior people, performed our war dance to inform it that I have friends that are swans and we don’t take kindly to threats. I waved my skirt like a Matador. He wisely stayed where he was. In the distance, a hive of bees began to buzz in rising volume.

Liana of @findingfemme in pink velvet pleated skirt and mustard cardi

Finally, at the end of the shoot, we left. Which was good, because the cow had arrived at the fence, which was as far as a Mexican standoff was ever going to escalate. Him, within the fence. Me, outside, staring in smugly. Liv, laughing awkwardly behind me encouraging me to back away.

– L

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