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Yellow and Black

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

It’s now mid-winter (one of my favourite seasons) and I’ve only just got around to sharing with you this shoot from the very end of autumn. My good friend Jess watched while I edited these pictures and then last night over a wine she demanded to know where they were on my blog. All the events and collaborations in between the shoot and this post had pushed it back. Now I’m looking at the photos with even more joy. I remember once never sharing a series of blog photos because I hated them. When I finally did share them it was so loved that it immediately became one of my most popular posts.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

I’m in a post-show funk at the moment. Every time I’m in a production, in the final weeks all the cast get really close. There will be an after party and everyone laments not sharing those common moments anymore. That’s the thing about a play. The script, the stage, the experience all become something deeply in common. 

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

This particular post-show funk is the worst I have felt. This is interesting because when we began the show I had never worked with a single person involved in it, where in previous shows there were often friendly faces. I feel that it is something to do with the heavy content of the show which was based on true events and presented very real feelings of grief and trauma. Almost a week on and I still don’t feel ready to let go of the show or the cast. Three of us could have been working together on another show, but due to my not being available I had to turn down a role in for a show in October. I’m already looking forward to other opportunities though.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

I was really excited to do these pictures as my shoulders are showing. My shoulders have been a long term project of mine this year. I’ve been going to the gym, getting massages and seeing an exercise physiologist. The progress that I’m making is huge, but it’s taken months of diligent work, doing my physio homework. The road to progress has not been a straight line. Often it feels like two steps forwards, one step back. Sometimes two steps back. I’ve not given up though, and the difference is huge.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Essentially, many years sitting at a desk had turned me into the hunchback of Notre Dame crossed with a turtle. My shoulders, back and arms were incredibly weak. One should sat inches higher than the other. I was constantly having to see a chiropractor because of the repercussions for my back and neck. It was horrible.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

After consulting with my fave exercise guy, Andrew, we started with basic rehab type exercises to get my shoulders to some sort of normal. What would I define as normal? Pain-free and strong enough to do basic shoulder functions. After a lot of work between my massage therapist, Andrew and I, the results started finally coming in. I can still remember the feeling of resting my hand on the top of the steering wheel while driving and my muscles being strong enough to keep my shoulder anchored instead of it rising up uncomfortably. Other recent achievements include being able to lay on my back, stretching my arms above my head and having my arms lay on the floor. Previously if I had done this, my hands wouldn’t have even touched the floor.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

My massage therapist has also been noting the difference. When I first started he would often use the dreaded (for vanity) cupping to help work through some of the mess in my muscles. Each time he would ask what photo shoots I had coming up to check if my back would be exposed. This dress, for example, would be a no go with the resulting polka dot bruises I would get. He would also tape my shoulders to help them get used to the new and healthier posture. While my shoulders aren’t quite where I want them yet, they are so close now that it’s easy to stay motivated. In these photos, I can seriously see the difference in my posture. It makes me feel so proud of myself.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

These stunning accessories are my new favourites. Particularly the earrings. I snagged them from https://www.blancboutique.com.au/collections/jewelleryBlanc Boutique and I’d been really excited to use them in the shoot because they go soooooo well. The earrings are a beautiful marble colouring and I’m in love with them. I wear them everywhere.

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Earrings and necklace: Blanc Boutique

Bike: Lekker

Dress and shoes: ASOS

Pics: Goldfields Girl

Location: Wendouree Lake

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

Liana of @findingfemme wearing yellow ASOS off the shoulder dress with black bike

– L

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