Home » Living as Lady Macbeth

Living as Lady Macbeth

I’m preparing to perform in a play with a local theatre company (Ballarat National Theatre). The show is called Much Ado About Shakespeare and it features 4 different Shakespeare-related stories. The first half of the show has a play called ‘Living with Lady Macbeth’, followed by an abbreviated version of Macbeth. The second half of the show has the story of an ambitious and manipulative actress who is trying to get a role in Romeo and Juliet. Then we perform an abbreviated version of R & J.

It’s the first time I’ve got to perform Shakespeare and it’s a little special. Macbeth is one of the first Shakespeare’s I was introduced to by my late grandmother. When I was younger she told me she had once played one of the witches in a performance. I’m playing the role of Lady Macbeth in Macbeth and as well as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. This means I’ve got a pretty drastic makeup change mid show where I turn from a woman into a man. It’s pretty fun! If you’re interested, you can get tickets here. If you come to the Friday show, I’ll be able to meet you and say hello afterwards!

I’ve also had the opportunity to make some props. I’ve been helping to make a severed head which is brought out onto the stage at the end of Macbeth. I’m also working on a map, which is lovely because I enjoy cartography.

These characters have been so much fun. I get really occupied with them when I’m working on lines and I find myself playing with the words when I’m driving around or getting ready for work in the morning. The stage performance of it is always intimidating but worth the anxiety.

If I can, when I link to items in my blog posts I use affiliate links. If you click on those links and make a purchase for yourself, it means I get a little compensation for helping you connect to the affiliated shop. If you do so, here’s a big thanks from me for helping to support my blog!

Scarf: Oroton via thrift store

Jumper: Princess Highway/Dangerfield

Skirt: Mokkafiveoclock via Etsy

Shoes: Modcloth

Pics: My awesome mum

– L

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