Home ยป Ballarat International Foto Biennale – Off Camera Flash Workshop

Ballarat International Foto Biennale – Off Camera Flash Workshop

Off camera flash trial by Michelle Dunn Photography

I’m excited to be working with a photographer again for the Ballarat International Foto Biennale. This time I am working with the incredibly talented Michelle Dunn as part of a full day workshop for intermediate photographers to develop their skills in off camera flash. Today Michelle and I did a trial for the workshop to put together images for workshop attendees to develop their understanding of the technique. The above shots were taken one after the other, with the off camera flash on different settings.

Off camera flash trial by Michelle Dunn Photography with Liana of Finding Femme

Michelle and I met this year after hearing about each other from a bunch of mutual friends. Michelle had already done a heap of work with my graffiti artist brother Cax One, and has most recently developed my sister Goldfields Girl‘s photography skills.

Working with Michelle on this trial shoot was brilliant. She’s excellent at giving me the direction I need for us to bring all the elements of a good shot together. While I did get the chance to take a heap more photos with her, I’m going to hold onto them until after the workshop to do a full blog post featuring the final images. You can read Michelle’s post about today here with a few extra images. I will be inviting the photographers that capture my favourite images on the day of the workshop to let me share their work as part of that final blog post on my blog here, with links to their preferred website/social media platform. 

Want to master off camera flash? Just two weeks until my workshop as part of @ballaratfoto biennale. We’ll be learning lots of practical & creative techniques as well as doing a live shoot with the awesome @findingfemme. Booking link in profile#bifb #2015bifb #visitballarat #photography #melbournephotography #photographyworkshop #offcameraflash #speedlite #canon_official #nikon

A photo posted by Michelle Dunn (@michelledunnphotography) on

If you are interested in taking part in the event, you can read up about it Michelle Dunn’s website.

Also, what is this red dress? What are these shoes? I have many things to tell you about these items. Hang tight until after the workshop (August 30) for full details. Pics by Michelle Dunn.

– L

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