I’ve had this dress and this bag for some time, and I’ve been waiting to put them together to show you. Who needs a wicker bag shaped like a strawberry? Everyone, that’s who.
Some of the best parts of having a break is actually being able to see and hang out with friends. I’m lucky that I work with some of my closest friends, which has been like a way of cheating. I was incredibly busy, but still got to see great people every day. In celebration of my holidays, last weekend we finally caught up outside of work. Next week I’ve got some blog photos with Tegan from a whole day we spent together, browsing shops, eating delicious food and singing Taylor Swift. Not having to study is the greatest thing! I’m looking forward to another busy trimester in a week or so.
At times like this when I’m giving everything and I’ve got nothing left, it’s a reminder of how patient, understanding and supportive the friends and family are. These are people who might not get to see me, but are the first to offer support before I have to ask. They’ve done everything from proofreading assignments, driving me to libraries, cooking food for me, going to book signings for my favourite authors to get me copies because I can’t go, showing up to annual events I organise, delaying birthday activities more than a month so I can go, pouring me endless pots of tea, and never asking for anything more.
Dress: Old Alannah Hill.
Shoes: ModCloth
Bag: soldout at Dangerfield, very similar NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH ModCloth
Location: Wendouree Lake
Photos: Goldfileds Girl
Bag would also go amazingly well with these earrings from Shein.
– L
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