I like to abide by the theme of my blog motto: The Lifelong Pursuit of Elegance. I’ve got a pretty defined taste in style; it’s a bit vintage, a lot classic and occasionally modern. I like to aim for a theme of elegance in every outfit I style. This one has been unique from all others I’ve done so far. As you know, I don’t often do black. The closest I’ve come to black on black, was when I paired it with black floral in January. I therefor present you with my first ever full black outfit. Bike to match.
I own very little black. Most black pieces I own aren’t coordinates, they are statement pieces. I like to let any black in my wardrobe speak for itself without succumbing to being the shadow or backdrop of something else. In my wardrobe, black doesn’t get any privileges.
Flats are also quite rare for me. I even wore heels all day when I was working in retail. I bought these flats especially for the super long days when I worked as VIP Coordinator for the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival last year. I’m comfortable in a good pair of heels, so it took me a while to find a comfortable pair of flats. I ended up selecting these ones because they reminded me of that photo series of style queen Jamie Beck.
I don’t wear nearly as many leather style jackets as I used to, because when I was younger I was passionately into motorbikes. I even had a go at sidecar racing with my uncle a year or so ago, which is something I’d like to get into again once I’ve finished my studies. I’ve never learned to ride a motorbike, but I’ll get there eventually. I’d love to have a moped or vespa to ride to work. I always wanted to ride my boyfriends vespa that he bought when he was last in Italy but he wouldn’t let me, and now he has sold it. Jerk.
When styling an outfit, I always get to the end and think, ‘jewellery? What jewellery goes with this?’ and then I’m always like ‘pearls’.
Jacket: can’t remember. Try My Chic Style Faux Leather Biker Jacket from Chicwish
Top: Basic black coordinate. Try this one from ModCloth
Skirt: ModCloth
Shoes: Naturalizer
Bike: Lekker
Photos: The Goldfields Girl
Location: Ballarat
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