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Garden Party in a Pink Midi

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Each week I try to think of something interesting to write to go with the pictures. My blog isn’t any form of diary, so I can’t just spill out onto a post what I’ve been up to in the last week. It try to always make sure it’s interesting enough to read and a little bit thought provoking.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

I recently did an interview on The Soubrette Brunette and I was surprised when my mum praised something I had said on there. It wasn’t such a big deal to me, but it really struck a chord with her, so I thought I would expand on it for today’s post.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

The first part was talking about a beauty tip or some style advice that I live by. What I said was that you should buy clothes that fit you now, not clothes for who you want to be. The reason for this is that clothes that don’t fit only serve to remind you of what you don’t like about yourself. When clothes fit you well, you look better and you will have a more positive view of your body. I can’t stress this enough. Great fitting clothes make you look great, no matter what size you are. No one else can see the cup size on your bra, or the tag on your trousers. No one else knows what that number is. That number, or the one on a set of scales, or the one on a tape measure do not ever measure who you are as a person. Imagine the impact on your self confidence if you look in the mirror and see someone who has nice fitting clothes? It reinforces that your body looks good just the way it is. If you are wearing clothes that don’t fit you, your not having the pleasure of wearing nice clothes, rather, the clothes are getting to wear you.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

The second part was when I said I don’t have a guilty pleasure, because I don’t let myself feel guilty for doing anything I enjoy. If what you enjoy is safe, doesn’t hurt other people, doesn’t hurt you and is humane for all parties, why should you feel guilty for it? I drink wine and gin. I also eat rich foods. Doughnuts are one of my favourite food groups. Do I feel guilty? You bet I don’t. Why not? Because what I’m doing is not bad. I’m an adult, and like all adults doing adult things, I know that doughnuts aren’t actually a food group and by eating ten at once I would starve my body of other things it needs to function properly and would make myself sick.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

How do I think about food? Firstly, I don’t make myself suffer for eating anything rich, sweet, high fat or high sugar. I don’t treat food like a reward. I treat food like fuel for my body and also one of the greatest things humans get the pleasure of enjoying. Flavour is important, having enough to eat is important, variance is important, nutrients are important. Food should be a pleasure. 

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

I don’t go for words like ‘detox’, ‘cleanse’, ‘reload’, or ‘energise’ anymore. My body has a natural process of cleansing and detoxing itself. It uses a rad thing called a liver. When I’ve had a change of my usual eating habits (hello Christmas and Easter or a big night out) I don’t feel guilty and drink kale and coriander smoothies to punish myself (kale is ace, coriander is wrong – we all have different tastes). I drink plenty of water to help give my body the fluid to process any extra sugars or fats on it’s own, and I make sure I’m eating the right fats, vitamins and nutrients it needs to help me get on with other things like, not spending my time preoccupied about food and if I’m doing something wrong.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Food should be an inspiration. Clothing should be a pleasure to wear. Love your fuel. Love your body.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Earrings: Vintage

Blouse: Alannah Hill

Skirt: ASOS – sold out similar

Bag: Beleza Vintage

Shoes: sold out – ModCloth

Location: Red Cross Trendsetters Garden Party

Photos: Mum

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Finding Femme in hot pink ASOS midi skirt, Alannah Hill blue floral silk blouse, and Modcloth blue suede wedges with tooled leather bag and rose gold hair.

Vintage style

This is my amazing aunt. She has been a big inspiration to me in matters of style and elegance. She is a love of vintage clothes and is part of the Red Cross Trend Setters group. Each year they put on an afternoon tea at this house in the garden to raise money for the red cross. I try to get along every year. This is her modelling her outfit.

Vintage style

Good vibes!

– L

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