Home ยป Happy Blogiversarie to Me!

Happy Blogiversarie to Me!

Hooray! It’s my Blogiversarie!

celebration of today being 1 year to the day since I started on this crazy
quest to blog an outfit once a week, here is a Throwback Thursday to my very first outfit blog post which featured this amazing favourite dress from Modcloth.

I started this blog in 2006 and initially I blogged regularly about things that interested me, which included clothes and art among many other things.  I mused and wrote short stories, I sometimes wrote about what I was wearing and fun things I was going to in my area. What I always had trouble setting up was the sort of blog I really, really wanted to do, and that was sharing my love of clothes and outfits with other likeminded souls. This was really hard because while I loved photography, the hardest thing in the world to photograph was myself. I eventually decided that wasn’t going to stop my so I began by pestering my sister, then my bestie and my mum and my brother and my boyfriend and my bestie’s boyfried to take snaps of me. I committed myself to do this at least once a week.

It’s actually been really tough and there have been some weeks where I just couldn’t get anyone to take pictures with me. That’s been the most frustrating part, not being completely independent with the creative process. Maybe one day I’ll get there, but until then it’s a fun collaborative process.

I have come to know some really passionate, soulful women in the last year. Style blogging has a brilliant community and getting to know those women who write about their personal style and share their hearts is something that makes me really happy.

If you want to see all the outfits that I have done in the last year, you can see them in one feed here.

I also did a post with some moving pictures (basic cinemagraphs) of my best outfits for 2014, which is kind of like a summary of the blog posts on the outfit tag. You can see that one here.

Thanks muchly for being a part of this really exciting year.

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