Home ยป Outfit Remix: Re-styling my Favourite Skirt

Outfit Remix: Re-styling my Favourite Skirt

I’m a big believer in wearing things more than once. Remember that old fashion rule that you shouldn’t be seen in the same thing more than once? I would say get rid of it, but in the theme of things, how about we recycle it? The manufacture of clothing has huge environmental, social and economic impacts, so not re-wearing clothes you’ve bought isn’t just a strain on your own bank account, it’s a strain on a lot of natural and human resources. On top of that, if something is designed really well, it’s a great compliment to the designer for you to want to wear it again and again. I have a skirt from Modcloth that I really love. It’s called the Ikebana for All Skirt in Floral and it is my go to item for most occasions. So for today’s guest blog post on Jeans and a Teacup, I’m going to show you how I style one skirt five different ways.

I’ve got a wardrobe app on my iPad with a complete digital catalogue of all my clothes. It’s got a calendar in it where I can log what I’ve worn and when, and then it uses that information to give me statistics on my clothes and how often I’ve worn them. Since getting the app I have worn this skirt 24 times. I can also set up whole outfits I like in the app, and I’ve used this skirt in 18 separate outfits. While it’s hard to choose a favourite outfit with the skirt, the one above is a tough competitor. There isn’t any navy in the pattern on the skirt but this navy blouse contrasts the mustard of the skirt brilliantly. You can see the full set of the photos here.

The skirt goes really well with the colour purple and I’ve been meaning to do a blog post wearing it with a purple cardigan but the timing of photos has never worked out. I do love it with the above cropped jacket. This is from the same outfit post as the picture below which features a gorgeous pussy bow mint blouse. Again, the mint and purple both contrast the mustard nicely. You can view the pictures from this outfit post here. Although when I wear this one now, I also have mint shoes to pair with it.

Now here’s a style that’s pretty fun! I ended up wearing this skirt on a Tweed Ride. Also known as a Tweed Run, this is an event where people dress in vintage attire and tweed and ride around on bicycles of all descriptions. This one I organised for my home town which has an annual Heritage Weekend. You can see what we all wore on this post here.

I have two different black and white stripe tops that I also style with the skirt. One if from C Wonder (this is a big deal for me because they don’t ship to Australia) and the other is from Review. Review is an Australian brand and it is designed in Melbourne. I wear their stuff a lot. There is no blog post for this one, as I haven’t blogged this outfit style yet (keep an eye out!). This top is the one from Review and it features embroidery in red thread that says ‘la dolce vita’.

While there are more ways to wear this skirt than just the five I’ve listed here, I haven’t got blog photos of me wearing them yet! I have a couple of cute orange cardigans that go with it nicely and highlight the orange blossoms in the floral pattern. I hope you’ve enjoyed the styless that I’ve shared with you and thank to Jess from Jeans and a Teacup for letting me share this remix with you on her blog!

If you’ve enjoyed sharing this outfit remix with me, you can get a regular fix of my style on Bloglovin, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.


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