Home ยป Cotton Summer Dresses

Cotton Summer Dresses

A long while ago I came across a beautiful picture on Pinterest of some beautiful dresses, made from vintage sheets. The image is from the blog for unique dresses handmade by Naughty Shorts.

It was a little while until I eventually got myself one, but here it is. Naughty Shorts post pictures of the fabric patterns on their instagram, which you can browse and select your favourite to have made into a dress just for you. This was my choice, and I love it. I’m sure it is the first of many. 

Mint rose earrings: Modcloth

Gorgeous unique cotton dress and sash: Naughty Shorts

Sunglasses: eBay

Shoes: BAIT Footwear or Modcloth

Clutch: Review

Photos: Stu

Location: Perth

If you like such pretty things as these, come and have a look at my Pin board: Lace Floral and Lovely.


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