Home ยป Swooning Sunday: Vintage Dresses from Word from the Bird

Swooning Sunday: Vintage Dresses from Word from the Bird

You might remember a post I did from a little while ago where I met some lovely ladies on the street in Ballarat (see the blog posts here and also at the Tweed Ride here). They were wearing magnificent vintage dresses and we got talking and sharing style. It turned out they run a little Etsy shop called Word from the Bird where they source, curate and then put up for sale original vintage dresses.

They also do previews of what is coming up to the store on their Facebook page. I find this handy because it means if I like something I can ask the measurements to find out if it will fit me or not. If you’re looking at the blog in a browser you will see them under the sponsors link on the right hand side. Check them out!


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