Home ยป Goldfields Street Style: Ballarat Vintage

Goldfields Street Style: Ballarat Vintage

On weekends I always try to take the time to photograph some outfits. When I take snaps for the blog, it is usually after work or on a weekend when I have the chance to catch up with my sister.

Last weekend I was sitting in Europa waiting for my sister. We were meeting for lunch and were planning on taking some quick snaps of what we were wearing after the meal.

While waiting for my sister, I spotted three elegantly dressed ladies walking past the front of the restaurant. It was like the whole scene began playing in slow motion. My brain absorbed the elegant hats, the vintage dresses, the cardigans, the gloves. Then I felt this sense of longing partnered with the thought ‘I wish I could take a photo of them; I’ve always wanted a street style section to my blog’. Then I glanced down at my camera and it dawned on me that the only thing holding me back from making that idea a reality, was my having the courage to pursue it. I picked up my camera and ran out of the restaurant up the street (in heels) and caught them before they entered L’espresso.

So here I would like to introduce the very accommodating and tasteful ladies of Word from the Bird. Hopefully I can keep finding the courage to ask people I see on the street to become a regular part of this section of the blog.

The ladies tell me it is really hard to find vintage/vintage inspired clothes for youngsters. If you know of somewhere that stocks such stuff, please comment and let us know!

Such a tasteful combination of browns.

This was my favourite part, the bag and gloves in that golden, Ballarat autumn light.

And here is the lovely Rebekah.

Now when people mention Doctor Blake Mysteries to me, I can say that people in Ballarat ‘still dress like that’. 


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