Home ยป Begonia Days

Begonia Days

lived in Ballarat for my whole life, I’ve seen quite a few Begonia Festivals.
This has been, by far, the best one I have ever been to. The reason I enjoyed
this one so much is that it is the first time as an adult that I felt like
there were things for me to do. 

I walked past the places where kids made bird houses and tool boxes and the
petty farm, and that was all fine, but this time I actually got to go somewhere
and hang out for ages and really enjoy myself. The Mitchel Harris Wine garden
and the Tea house were high on my list. 

The Glass House was also free this year, so we made sure
that we went in and looked at all the begonias. After all, begonias are the
whole point of the festival.

My sister came with me to check out all the activities. She
wore a denim maxi skirt (ex dress that she cut the top off), white singlet and simple
plate necklace.

This bag is a family heirloom. I’m very jealous that she has it. She wears it all the time.

I also loved this cute little gingerbread house.

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