Home ยป What I Wore: July

What I Wore: July

It’s August already and I am wondering how the time has gone by so quickly! I have been intending to do little ‘recaps’ of each month’s outfits at the end of the month and as yet, haven’t done so. Before we head off into another month of outfits, let’s take a look at what we did in the last few weeks.

Here is a snapshot of my Stylebook calendar. Stylebook is a digital wardrobe cataloging app which I use more than anything else on my iPad. It took me a little time to get it set up but now it is all set up I use it for lots of information. Setting a calendar with outfits on it just one small part of the app’s functionality. As you can see, sometimes I have logged whole outfits and others I have logged the items individually. The small numbers at the bottom of the date square show how many other items are also logged on that date.

Outfit: Gingham and Floral

Outfit: Black, White and Bougainvillea

Outfit: Chocolate Orange and Northern Hemispherism

Outfit: Confetti – An Iconic Dress at an Iconic Gate

Over the next few weeks I’m going to retrospectively summarise the previous months of outfits, so keep an eye out for those. Don’t forget that at any time you can filter the blog posts into just outfits by clicking on the ‘outfit‘ tag at the bottom of any outfit post or by clicking here


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