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Spots and Cat Friends

Another week, another outfit. These pics were all taken by my bestie Tegan before an night of card games with friends. Thanks to the good taste of people I know I have recently been introduced to adult card/board games, and not the sort that involve rude words, dice and handcuffs. The two games I’ve played hesitantly and then ended up loving are Love Letter and Avalon. If we’ve run into one another in the last few weeks you’ve probably had me tell you how amazing they are and confusing you with the rules.

Avalon is a card game (plenty of peeps tell me that it is like Werewolf – but I’ve never played it). You all draw cards that give you a character for that game, and that align on the good or bad side. Then on the board you all go on quests. Baddies try to make the quests fail. Goodies have to make the quests pass, but don’t know who is going to try and make a quest fail. This causes lots of fun lying and logic and laughter. It takes a few rounds to get your head around the rules, but it will mean you will play for hours and hours. You need 6 players or more to get into this one.

The other game is called Love Letter, but that has nothing to do with how the rules of the game work. Each card has a character on it, and all the characters are ranked. Whoever survives to the end of the round with the highest ranking card gets a love token (a little red cube). The first to four tokens wins the game. Each player has one card and at their turns picks up another and must choose which card they want to play. Each card, when played, has a specific action such as: you can guess another players card and knock them out of the round, you can force someone to swap with you, you can compare hands, you can peek at another card. I’m really skimming over this, and it makes for a really fun evening. Apparently I have no poker face, which is bad for anyone that has to let me see their card. We played this game with 4 people.

Sunglasses: eBay

Top: Selena sweater – Review

Skirt: Kaleidoscope skirt – Hi There by Karen Walker

Boots: somewhere in Oxford

Location: Ballarat

Photos: Tegan

After last week’s photos with a little orange kitty cat, this week we were out taking these snaps when we noticed a little interested face across the road. I called and they came over to say hello. They were a seriously smoochy kitty and matched my outfit so well.

Shout out to Jamie over at Petite Panoply for being all round awesome. She regularly comments and says lovely things which reminds me that I’m not alone on this big old internet thing. Her blog is pretty spiffy too, because she writes from the point of view of a short lady, and that’s all me (although not as short as her – she’s 4′ 11″). Something else I love about her is that she smiles in most of her pictures and doesn’t take herself too seriously. Anyway, that’s enough fangirling from me for one day. <3 you Jamie! xx

– L

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