Home » Pink Doughnuts

Pink Doughnuts

If this blog post doesn’t make you crave doughnuts, I’m doing something wrong. I should also explain, because most of my readers are from America, when I say doughnuts I mean donuts. As usual, we take a lot more letters to spell something than you do.

I found this dress on eBay, but it’s still for sale on ASOS. I loved the colour, thought the cut was cute as well as the print, but when I realised the doughnuts were embroidered I had to have it.

Good doughnuts are one of life’s great treats. I recently introduced my man to Krispy Kreme doughnuts, which he loved. There are so few places that do nice doughnuts over here that Krispy Kreme really has a captive audience.

There’s a place in my hometown, a delicious truck stop, that has just recently started making cronuts. We went and tried some and they were really good. Not only are they the only place in town that makes them, they are excellent quality. If you don’t know what a cronut is, it’s a making a croissant out of doughnut batter. You can pick them up in Ballarat from Providore.

Earrings: Retro Rosie Earrings – Modcloth

Sunglasses: Forever New

Necktie: Vintage

Dress: by Nishe, available on ASOS

Belt: came with dress from Review

Shoes: sold out – ModCloth

Location: Ballarat

Photos: Tegan

Life is short. Eat the doughnut.


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