Home ยป Skate with Goldfields Girl

Skate with Goldfields Girl

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

I’ve been trying to take my camera out and about with me a bit more. I tend to go through using it in phases and I was starting to notice a trend of leaving it behind. To counteract this I put aside a little time at a few get together’s with buds to take some shots so that I’m constantly practising and learning with my camera. Quite a few of the times I’ve been out have involved skate so here are some shots from a casual afternoon of skating with my sister Deni from Goldfields Girl. I played with the camera settings taking pictures of her, then once the camera was set up I gave her some guidance to take pics of me. Then I had a really fun time editing these shots. The light in these gave me some diverse options with how I edited them and I’m very happy with the choices I made in the editing process.

My skates and protective gear are from the incredible Impala Rollerskates.

Goldfields Girl sits in front of my van with her rollerskates on. My shadow is on her in the bright sun.

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

Liana of @findingfemme in @impalarollerskates and protective gear #rollerskates #rollerskating

From @findingfemme | Goldfields Girl rollerskating

– Liana

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