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Art Gallery and Winter Coats

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Have you ever put on a really gorgeous outfit only to have to cover it in a jacket for winter? It seems a waste of effort, even if the coat is gorgeous because one whole part of your outfit is hidden. I’ve stumbled across a way to solve this first world problem: belt the jacket open.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

In this outfit, instead of buttoning up my jacket, I folder back the buttons and button holes to reveal the pretty dress underneath and put a belt over the top. It helps the jacket hold a nice form around my waist and keeps the two sides firmly in place so I can simultaneously stay warm and have all the cute things I’m wearing showing. Hooray! Now on to more important things like, raising money for Red My Lips, who work to breakdown victim blaming attitudes in instances of sexual assault. It’s an awesome cause and I’m wearing red lips all through April to raise money and awareness. You can donate and get more information here.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

This elegant location is at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery. It’s the oldest regional art gallery in Australia and has an awesome collection of both new and classic works. This one below is a great favourite of mine.

Ballarat Fine Art Gallery

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Brooch: Vintage

Jacket: Review

Dress: Review

Shoes: (sold out) ModCloth

Belt: Glassons

Location: Ballarat Fine Art Gallery

Photos: Goldfields Girl

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

Finding Femme at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery wearing belted Review Australia navy coat and blue floral dress with blue suede Modcloth shoes.

– L

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