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Ginger and Spice

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

After posting a couple of shots of this dress on Instagram, I had someone ask me to do an outfit photo series in it. I’ve done a mini one before with terrible pictures (so I’m not linking to it here), but thought the dress called for another proper series without the cardigan.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

After posting about my woes of struggling to get people to take photos with, I was contacted by Nigel Stevens to collaborate together on some shots, which is a win win situation for us both. This is our first collaboration so I hope you like them. It’s always exciting working with someone new because it impacts what comes out in the pictures. Nigel gave me the raw files and I sorting through them and did the post production, which has been another fun part of the process. The post production side gives me a chance to see the detail in the shots he has taken. We used a few different lenses that I’ve never done shots with before. I love the crispness of the images, and I know Nigel does too. He has a great attention to detail.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Dress: Review Australia

Belt: Review Australia

Shoes: Sandler

Location: Ballarat

Photos: Nigel Stevens Photography

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.

Finding Femme wears Review Australia blue floral dress and pearl belt.


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