Home ยป Blackberries


My sister and I love having an adventure and micro-adventure like picking blackberries was the perfect thing for the start of autumn. She has little kids, I’m just some solo woman being a weirdo, so spending time with them, baskets in hand seemed like an awesome time.

Being a photographer means I often annoy people by constantly taking their pictures. My sister appreciates it though because it means we end up with tonnes of candid family photos all the time. Some of the photos I took of them I am really proud of and excited for everyone to see. Hopefully, she puts the blog post up soon. I can’t really talk though because it’s taken so long for me to put up mine as well. This pandemic is really something. In these photos when we were on this adventure, it had barely impacted Australia yet. We were so oblivious.

The one thing I did notice about picking blackberries is that picking mulberries is way cooler and mulberries are my favourite berry every. I think I might have some photos hiding somewhere from that adventure as well so I’ll try and upload it soon.

This day was hilarious. My nephews and niece are all under 5. They won’t take direction from anyone else or even from each other. You never quite know what they will do next. I had to just get the camera settings right and hope I was in the right place at the right time to capture their wildness. After taking a tonne of photos of them somehow managing not to get any berry juice on any white thing they were wearing, my sister grabbed the camera while I had a go picking berries. Blackberries are fortunately less juicy than mulberries. Otherwise, I would have had it all over me. It was fun and very satisfying. Deneale ended up making jam with all the berries we picked.

I think blackberries are good in a pie or as jam, but as a berry, on their own, they are a little dull. It was still brilliant fun picking them and having some time to express myself with photography and to make some videos. Just doing the picking was really heart filling. A person did join us picking, but not before asking if blackberries ‘are actually good or if we were just doing it for the photos’.

Next season when everything wild is over, I’m going to pick a huge basket and make a pie. And maybe a blackberry and gin jam.

Check out my sister’s blog here.

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  1. Katie Writes Stuff
    January 19, 2022 / 11:21 pm

    A blackberry and gin jam sounds amazing! Your photos reminded me of picking blackberries with my family when I was little – we would pop them in old ice-cream tubs and try to get away with eating as many as possible before our parents told us off.

    I hope you are keeping safe and well.

    • Liana
      January 19, 2022 / 11:21 pm

      I think we picked them when I was very little so I don't have clear memories of it like you do. It sounds like a lot of fun! Your description actually made my mind go to black berry ice cream, which I'm sure would be delicious. Send you lots of love!

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