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Red on White and Kohl

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

title of this blog post ‘Red on White’ is going to have an entirely different
meaning to about 10 women in my life. I’ve been in a rock band called Kohl for
quite a few years now, and one of our songs was called Red on White. While the
band gradually stopped playing (we’re looking at a reunion) we never really
‘broke up’. The women who have played in that band have all been a huge
influence on my life.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

I was much younger working in a music store, this drummer came in to collect
some equipment she had bought. She had vibrant read hair, beautiful eyes and a
voice like violin. I had wanted to get into a band for a long time to practice
my guitar skills, so I asked her straight up if she would be interested in
something. She has this gorgeous laugh that’s a couple of beats, then she looks
at you and you can see her bright mind working.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

joined a line up with my dear friend Fiona, who had a singing voice like a
cello running through a distortion pedal and skin the colour of a pearl. Most
of all, she had a fierce heart and fire in her that had always intimidated and
inspired me. I asked Fiona to lead the singing so I could focus on learning
lead guitar. We needed a bass player. Sarah said she knew someone and along
came Jess.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

is the tiniest member of the band. She’s got deep dark eyes and hair and a
resting expression that makes her look like she’s some sort of royalty. When
she talks, it’s like a jazz singer reading you a comedy. There’s happiness in
every word, but depth. She’s small and quiet, but still waters run deep.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

worked in this incarnation for a while, but after a bit, Sarah decided it was
time to branch out into her preferred style of metal, and Fiona found a new
band that made her passion for music stronger. We soon had Tam and Ella on
guitar, with me focusing on singing, a new Jess on drums. We even at one point
had Miranda on keyboard.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

song, Red on White, was one of the first songs we ever played together. It was
a constant through all the incarnations of the band. All of those songs, when I
hear them, are no longer about whatever they were written about. I hear them
and I think of those women. I think of that saying and what it really means to
me: strong women – may we know them, may we be them, may we play with them. I think
of long car trips to gigs out of town. I think of driving my van around to pick
up and drop off all the band members because I was the only one with a licence.
I think of Sarah being angry with me after a miscommunication about a cancelled
band practice, and my heart breaking because she had so much on and I’d made
things worse for her. I remember her 21st, and looking over at her
while making my speech thinking to myself ‘I see you, Sarah’.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

remember laying on my back in the band room laughing so hard from Ella’s jokes
that tears ran into my hairline. I remember sitting in a car with Tam, her dark
eyes catching the sparkle of the streetlights outside and feeling like no one
in the world knew me better. I remember little Jess getting accepted into uni and
I remember her tiny body carrying her massive bass amp down the hill from
Karova to my car. I remember the rush of happiness when I was watching Fiona
learn a riff on the guitar, and she realised I was watching and she looked up,
smiling. I even remember Alyssa, coming to almost all our shows and helping us
load gear, even though she wasn’t in the band. Drummer Jess I don’t even need
to think back for. I see her car in the garage when I get home and it makes my
day. I sit at the table when she eats dinner, even when I’m not eating, and
hearing her practicing drums makes me so happy.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

these little moments are strung together like pearls, and when I hear the words
‘Red on White’ it’s like I can feel the warmth of those pearls against my skin.
These women, every woman that became a part of the band whether they were a
member or not, they are a critical part of my identity. They are woven into the
fabric of me as much as my love of music. So when you’re looking at these
pictures, if you feel you can see something of who I am, know you’re also
seeing those strong women.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

Top: unknown – similar

Skirt: hand made by Mokkafiveoclock in Poland! Get it through Etsy. Previous post here.

The Hop Temple

Goldfields Girl

@findingfemme wears red maxi circle skirt from Mokkafiveoclock and white top at Hop Temple in Ballarat.

Hop Temple is an awesome new drink and food spot in my hometown. Entry is
via a laneway in the CBD, which they have gradually been dressing up, first
with string lights and now with this magnificent umbrella installation. As soon
as I saw it I knew I had to do a shoot here. Love my city.

Do you have people in your life that have help to shape you as the person you are today?

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