Home ยป Studio G.A.S

Studio G.A.S

This outfit post is the final part of the duo of styles I’m wearing in Review‘s first digital e-magazine. If you want to read the short article I wrote for them and see the pics, you’ll have to grab their app from the Apple store (sorry, no android yet). If you want to see the other outfit, you can find it here. For this outfit, I decided to make good on a location I’d had in mind for some time and dropped in to the awlays friendly Studio G.A.S. I knew for the pictures in the e-magazine that I wanted to show Ballarat locations, colours and mood. It helps that the styling of the shop is so darling that colours just pop when you’re around it.

To Ballarat locals, you may know Studio G.A.S as that pretty shop across from Bunnings. Maybe you’ve driven past it a bunch of times. Maybe you’ve always wondered what it’s like inside. Well, try turning your wondering in wandering. Next time you are in the area, take an extra five minutes to stick your head inside. They’ve got a range of clothing, footwear, gifts you’d actually want to receive and coffee and cake. If you’re trying to think of places to browse for something to wear to Ballarat Cup, put them on your list.

Now usually I would write a whole bunch of things in a blog post, but I’ve already written up about this outfit for Review, and I don’t want to steal their thunder. I will say the Review cardigans are my absolute favourite, and THIS SKIRT HAS POCKETS. Unfortunately, you’ll have to check out their e-mag to read more. These shoes, however, I will tell you about.

I get so many of my shoes from Modcloth. In fact, my two most common places to shop for shoes are Modcloth and Zulily. So much so, that I’ve even got a blog post in the works about my favourite shoes from Modcloth. These ones I picked up in one of the Modcloth sales. It’s hard shopping from Modcloth when you live in Australia because the exchange rate stings and then so does the shipping. Then you have to translate the shipping costs after exchange rate. Modcloth have addressed this a bit by offering free shipping on orders over USD $150. At our current exchange rate, that’s AUD $200, which can often feel like a lot of money for something you can’t try on. Plenty of ladies I know get around it by going in with friends and doing a group order. Anyway, if you’re interested in knowing more tips about shopping online with Modcloth, I did a blog post on it here. My number one tip, is to save or favourite the items you like, and then when a sale is on go and browse to see what items you love are part of the sale. That’s how I snapped up these shoes. You can browse Modcloth shoes here.

Top: c/o Review Australia

Cardi: c/o Review Australia

Skirt: c/o Review Australia

Shoes: Modcloth

Pics: Goldfields Girl

Location: Studio G.A.S

– L

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