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Geelong Cup

Today my sister Goldfields Girl and I went to the Geelong Cup. I was lucky enough to be dressed by Review who gave me a fascinator, dress and bag from their current Spring collection.

I convinced Goldfields Girl to go with me even though she was nervous about navigating a busy public event with a 3-month-old baby. We took her famous pram and had a blast. Check out her blog for her post, which I’m sure will be up soon.

The weather was sunny in spite of the previous few days of rain which made for really picturesque views of the racecourse. My favourite thing about any cup event is the opportunity to see other women dressing up and looking elegant. Being a lover of Review I recognised quite a few dressed worn excellently by beautiful review girls. I’ve even managed to take some pics for you including one complete babe who also had the same dress as me. I’d styled it with red and she’d paired it with a beautiful navy.

Here are the pictures from today’s fabulous event and some of the fashions!

Don’t forget that all this month I’m wearing dresses for Frocktober to help raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. Frocktober is an annual event for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). There are 1500 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year in Australia. Not many of them survive past the next 5 years. It is the most deadly gynaecological cancer, killing one woman in Australia every 10 hours. Unlike other cancers, there is no early detection test. OCRF has been around since 2000. They work with hospitals, universities and research institutes across Australia and New Zealand and assist to fund and guide research that will help develop and early detection test. That early detection could help save so many lives. Currently, the only detection test available is by taking a tissue sample during surgery. Raising awareness around ovarian cancer and its symptoms won’t save lives, but early detection will. Viable research is the answer and early detection is the key.

How can you get involved and make a difference?

Why not donate? Any amount helps get Frocktober closer to their fundraising goal. Last week around $134,000 had been raised of the $325,000 goal for this year. This week, it’s up to $224,000! Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Please give if you haven’t had the chance to do so already. Any amount helps!

Wear a frock and tag the campaign on social media (#frocktober2017 @OCRF). Make sure you give links so that your friends, family or followers can click through to the campaign and donate as well.

Start your own ‘Everyday Hero’ page or team to share your own personal story or passion to donate to the cause. 

Find out more information at the Frocktober website here.

– L

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